Readers are invited to complete, detach and return this form to:
The CDRSB, 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3XX.

I oppose the use of postal ballots on demand and I believe that limits on their use should be reintroduced.

I agree with the CDRSB model resolution on conflict management and electoral reform (delete if appropriate).

I received this resolution through being contacted by door to door canvassing by the CDRSB (delete if appropriate).

I wish to be kept informed through the CDRSB network of respondents of progress in promoting this resolution (delete if appropriate).
Name: ............................................................................................
Tel. No: ..........................................................................................
Address: .........................................................................................
Postcode/Zip Code: ........................................................................
Email: .............................................................................................
Date: ..............................................................................................

If you wish to make a donation please make cheques payable to the CDRSB.